Friday, January 30, 2009

Facebook Thingy I Thought To Post Here

25 Random Facts About Me

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

1. I know every song in the movie Grease by heart.

2. When I was young, I spent most of my money collecting Garfield books and read them constantly. I believe this explains much of my personality.

3. Four days ago I was walking lost in the middle of the desert at midnight with three bottles of beer (yet sober), a bottle opener, a dead GPS, and no idea where I was or where I was going. True story.

4. When it comes to cleaning dishes, I would rather throw all of them away and buy new ones.

5. I entirely loathe running.

6. I purposefully make my room a manageable mess (like a nest) so that few people besides me can be completely comfortable in it. I love my room.

7. On occasion I go to strip clubs, order coffee, and visit with the patrons and strippers. No tips, no dances, nothing sexual. The conversation and company is completely chill and fulfilling. Most people I have told this fact to seem find it offensive, naïve, and desperate behavior. I wish they would come with me just once.

8. My first and only experience with illegal drugs was with a homeless guy. I bought him dinner, so he gave me a joint. We smoked it in front of the hold-in-the-wall Mexican place after finishing our meal. Good times.

9. This is my favorite number.

10. Crockpots are perfect companions for poorly graduated employable bachelors. I have two.

11. My “list” for what I'm looking for in a woman differs greatly between theory and practice.

12. I play guitar, and can play for hours at a time, but I do not know any songs by heart.

13. I'm typing this list on a 46” Sony HDTV that I hooked up my homemade computer to.

14. When I was about 4 years old, I imagined myself as strong as Superman, picked up our family TV and fell over backwards, breaking my collar bone.

15. Yes, I have an eHarmony profile.

16. I think tetherball should be an Olympic sport.

17. At various points in my life I have been “diagnosed” with a social anxiety disorder, depression, PTSD, and I'm currently take medication for all of the above. Most shrinks say I open myself up too fast by talking about personal details with large expectations of trust and end up.... Oh. Drat.

18. Semicolons are punctuational hermaphrodites that have no place or purpose in the English language. And yes, I vote Republican.

19. Sometimes I listen to house/techno when I read.

20. I have only one ultimate goal in life: Be Happy. I am absolutely sincere and seriously silly in pursuing it at all times.

21. I'm pretty sure that I scare/intimidate most people, and I am dangerous I guess, but I'm more good than I am bad.

22. I usually only eat once a day.

23. I once attempted a backflip on a snowboard and ended up knocking myself out cold. I don't know how long I was out, but when I woke up laying there, I felt ridiculously manly and I laughed. It hurt though.

24. Sometimes I have a hard time finishing things, following through/up, commitment, etc.

1 comment:

Land Mines said...

Always learning something new!! And, to comment on #7, I have been trying to get someone to take me forever. Just to get the experience.

Take care,